I’ve bought many pieces from Sidsgraphs over the years, but until this year I had never participated in one of their private signings. I sent in for the Luis Robert signing literally a couple of days before Robert got hurt and the signing was postponed indefinitely.
The second signing I sent in for this season was with Andrew Vaughn, and luckily that one was completed successfully. I would have loved to send in a ton of items, but money was a bit tight so I settled on 4 cards. I wanted to get one of their licensed 16x20s, but I didn’t like the images they had so I passed.
I’m really happy to knock out his Bowman, Bowman Chrome, and Bowman Chrome Refractor rookies. I also sent in another cool looking refractor. If they have another signing with Vaughn this season, I definitely plan on sending in a few more items.